Thursday, 29 August 2013

Toxic environment, auto-immunity and the cause of autism

In this new article, researchers Sandra and Max Desorgher describe autism as a monumental chronic stress response to environmental overload in the human population, which is being passed on as an immunogenetic modulation, or evolution of the immune system. They describe how they came to see lutein as a unique immune trigger in autism and their results and experiences with using a lutein-free diet.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Recovering from Autism using Sara's Diet

In 1994 Sandra Desorgher began removing lutein and other carotenes from the diets of people with autism, including herself and her adopted daughter Sara. She found that an undetectable immune system response to lutein is the underlying cause of the bio-chemical chaos which results when the immune system targets this small pigment molecule and causes the cascade of changes in body, mind and emotions that we call autism. Lutein intolerance cannot be detected by standard testing, but it is recognised by the person with autism once they begin remove the lutein-containing foods from their diet and go through the profound changes that result.

Sandra has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations, based on Sara's Recovery and the recoveries of thousands more, adapting it to the individual based on information provided by the parents. Starting with a simple questionaire a dialogue begins which takes you on a journey into the healing potential of the lutein-free diet.

Although we call the diet 'lutein-free', it should rightly be termed 'Specific carotene controlled diet'. There are many forms of lutein, and many carotene pigments in foods, which seem to affect autists in different ways. Many autists are also affected by wheat, gluten, milk, fish, food dyes, aspartame, chemicals, hair-spray; they are also affected by environments, sounds, and the moods of those around them. Many autists have aversions to various foods, sometimes called 'picky eaters'. We call this a 'self-selective' diet - the person is trying to avoid the bad experiences that they experience when they eat certain foods.

The biggest challenge to parents are the 'autistic behaviors', tantrums and outbursts that turn every day into a series of challenges. There are the also unexplained rashes, fevers, night fears, panic attacks, etc. etc. Sandra works with the whole family, in person if possible, taking you through the difficult process of modifying and refining and adapting the diet to the child, while being aware of all medical, bio-chemical, nutritional and behavioural issues.
A Natural Healing Approach to Autism Recovery
This program is a natural one; as much as possible it does not require excessive supplements, enzymes, chelation etc. It removes food-dyes and artificial sweeteners.

The diet increases the use of natural antibiotics and probiotics, foods that balance and heal the gut and the friendly bacteria,  such as kefir, coconut, sauerkraut, aloe vera garlic and turmeric and foods that are high in natural beneficial enzymes such as pineapple, cabbage and beetroot.

It increases the intake of fat-soluble vitamins and essential oils through cod-liver oil, fish oil, Evening Primrose Oil and Safflower Oil.

It promotes the use of organic locally grown  non-GMO foods.

It promotes a diet that is rich in natural minerals, especially those that are lacking in modern un-natural diets such as Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc and Selenium.
True Signs of Recovery
It is important to be open to the true signs of recovery that may not be the ones you most want. Not every child begins to talk immediately, nor even change their outward behaviours in any obvious way. Behaviour patterns are learnt and deeply programmed responses to experience. The behaviour program we use is called 'The Desorgher Method' and can be very tough to implement. The process of change is complex. The child is certainly feeling different. Their experience has changed. They might not quite understand the change.

Communication with the child is essential and vital to rebuilding their new awareness of themselves and their world in a positive way. Because even though you didn't realise it at the time, everything changed for the child on the day they went 'lutein-free'. In a way their life starts again. They are reborn. This is a tremendous opportunity to rebuild your life as well, around a new person - the recovering autist. Let go of all the old anxieties and fears and traumas that you went through. You must heal your life as well.

Therapeutic recovery for people with autism

Autism Residential Therapeutic Recovery Program

Sandra and Max Desorgher are the founders of World Community Autism Program, and users of the Sara's Diet treatment approach, which they have used since the early 1990's to help thousands of autists through bio-medical recovery. 
Their extensive experience in child-care, education, special needs and foster care led them to offer this unique place which reflects their natural, relaxed approach to child-care and education, and where you can experience first-hand the transformative potential of their individual lutein-free nutritional program in treating autism.
 Come to the Active Learning Center, our residential center in Cambodia and stay with us while we support you and your child through autism recovery.
Inclusive Programs from $500 per month